GlampWood Retreat
Ponte Nelle Alpi

Ponte Nelle Alpi
What is different and special about this project is the fact that for all the walls, interior and exterior, we used 80×120 mm GLT framing structure, as opposed to massive wood that we normally use in our framing system.
Our client requested a material with high thermal insulation properties and we opted for 120 mm Isover PLE mineral wool. The panels are closed on both sides with 15 mm OSB, equipped directly from the factory. All the wooden elements for the structure received under pressure fire retardant treatment in the autoclave.
For the roof we used glue laminated beams, GL24 strength class, and 19mm wood cladding, both treated with a special treatment, which has the ability to protect the wood from moisture and prevent the appearance of fungi and other wood pests.