
Orvieto is a significant cultural heritage and fascinating tradition in southwestern Umbria, Italy, one of our most important markets.
This 200 sqm project was made in timber frame panels equipped directly from the factory with 150mm Isover PLE insulation inside the panels and thermo-system on the exterior. The roof elements were delivered in separate pieces because the roof has a complex shape and visible beams, built in such a way as to cover different portions of the building. The roof is on four levels and eight slops, all combined in such a way as to create a harmonious game that covers the interior spaces.
ERGIO pays special attention to the wood treatments as it is crucial for the performance and durability of the house over time. Besides the usual thermal treatment of all the elements used for the project, the entire frame is fireproof treated with FireStop: SR EN 13501-1 + A1: 2010.